Friday, February 27, 2015

Books and Goals

The goals towards which you work can be influenced by many factors. What you hear or see from others can make you see a situation in a whole new light. Though it may depend on how strongly you already feel towards a subject, reading can either support or destroy that view. Reading books can affect your goals, what you believe in, and what you want to be later in life. In other words, a huge chunk of your inspiration comes from, yes, a big clump of boring little black shapes on a plain white page. Hopefully, you read quite a bit, because we all need a little motivation to keep moving now and then. It is important to find something that keeps you going. Granted, we all get stuck now and then, but that no reason for us to give up. By reading you can work through a lot of your problems, because relating to someone who has the same problems or views can help you better understand how to fix things for yourself. But opening a book and staring at page one won't help you get anywhere. You have to use this little thing called imagination. Reading through other peoples experiences can help you to understand what to look out for in the future, and how to deal with a lot more than it seems books can actually help you with. This is basically all of what is in our history books. Things happened to people, they reacted one way or another, and boom, history happened. Reading also helps with problem solving simply by waking up your brain and opening your mind to new possibilities.

Friday, February 13, 2015

What Makes A Book So Amazing

The little things about books are important, and are what makes a book so wonderful. Books are so much better than movies and video games, they are genuine. Reading a book usually feels more truthful or credible. It is easier to believe someone, or want to listen to what they have to say, when you can see it clearly. Books do just that, letting you paint your own picture as each story comes to life a different way in every mind.

Having to explain the meaning behind a book to someone else is sometimes hard. The whole time they are listening as you try to reach the ending while inconveniently remembering to add another important part usually ends up with them looking at you like you just ate a worm. Of course, they try to understand, or at least pretend to. I like to be on the receiving end, where a person I lent a book to tries to explain it after forgetting to read it for almost a week. But I just smile and nod, it is priceless.

Another nice thing about books is that every once in a while you get one of those books you can't put down. It is not simply a good book. It is a great book. You get so lost in these kinds of books, that when your dad calls you down for dinner, you have a headache because you had been reading so long. I usually try to take it to dinner with me, but he calls me on it, out of habit, before I am halfway down the stairs. My constant thoughts are things like just one more chapter and can't dinner wait, like, fifteen minutes? That is the perfect book.

Finally, though it is one of the strangest qualities in a book, it is just as important. The way the books smell add a sense of comfort and reminds me of a library. The best place on earth, it is quiet, no one is acting like a jerk, and when you finally sit down with the perfect book you know you are going to love it, because you just spent an hour trying to find it. It is old, and dusty, but at the same time represents imagination, making friends with the characters, and not wanting to get up for anything. Except for the sequal.